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Vitalik Proposes Support for Decentralized Staking with More Anti-Correlation Incentives

Vitalik posted "Supporting Decentralized Staking through More Anti-Correlation Incentives", stating that "one strategy for incentivizing better decentralization in protocols is to punish correlation. That is, if a participant makes a mistake (including accidentally), the more other participants (measured in total ETH) who behave improperly at the same time, the greater the punishment they will receive. This post proposes to extend similar anti-correlation incentives to more "ordinary" failure cases, such as missing a proof, which almost all validators occasionally experience."Vitalik Buterin also said on Warpcast, "Are validators in the same cluster (such as the same trading platform or the same user) more likely to miss proofs at the same time than unrelated validators? If so, can we adjust the rewards to support decentralized staking? Possibly."


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