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The Preconfirmation Gateway ~ Unlocking Preconfirmations: From User to Preconfer

In this post, I examine a few problems in existing Preconfirmation proposals. I introduce a new role: “The Preconfirmation Gateway” to completely abstract preconfirmations from users. I also explore a few examples of how the gateway may be able to facilitate coordination between preconfers.
The Preconfirmation Gateway ~ Unlocking Preconfirmations: From User to Preconfer

The Verifiable Web: Fixing the Internet’s Truth Problem

In early civilizations, truth was based on myth. Observations of worldly phenomena were wrapped in symbolic narratives, religious beliefs, and ancient wisdom. Over time, humanity began to value objective measurements and reasoning, birthing disciplines such as science, mathematics, and logic.
The Verifiable Web: Fixing the Internet’s Truth Problem

Micro oracles: a simple commitment-augmented funding mechanism

A bit of background. This was a little idea that sprung up while I was working on a completely unrelated, much more complicated oracle-based project. I wrote a short paper on it the following weekend, and isn’t something I invested a whole lot of time in because I assumed something like it probably already exists. Just recently, I looked into things a bit more and asked some people who might know, and to my surprise, nothing seems to be along the same lines of what I’m proposing here.
Micro oracles: a simple commitment-augmented funding mechanism

Oracle project RedStone announces integration with Manta Network

Oracle project RedStone announced a partnership with Manta Network to provide price feeds for Manta Pacific's push oracle model. Manta Pacific will transition to zkEVM in the coming weeks to provide stronger security and improved user experience. This is a scalable and cost-effective environment for developers building the next generation of dApps. RedStone's push oracle plays a critical role on Manta, providing low-cost price feeds for L2 solutions.

Synthetix core contributors publish ERC-7412 related proposals, aiming to allow oracle contracts to be called to integrate off-chain data

Synthetix core contributor Noah Litvin has released a proposal for implementing ERC-7412 batch processing, which aims to allow smart contract engineers to integrate off-chain data by simply calling functions on the oracle contract. This standard preserves the composability between smart contracts and adjusts the economic incentives between data consumers and the oracle network, while relying on transaction batch processing (i.e. atomic multi-operation, multi-call) to automatically pre-verify data from decentralized oracle networks when necessary to execute transactions.

Pyth Network launches BIFI/USD price feed data

Oracle project Pyth Network announced the launch of BIFI/USD price feed data. Reportedly, $BIFI is the governance token of leading multi-chain yield optimizer Beefy, and BIFI/USD price information is now available for smart contract developers on 45 different blockchains.

New Study Reveals 30 Oracle Manipulation Incidents, Sandwich Attacks Lower Execution Prices by 5.93% in DeFi Market

A recent study highlights significant market misconduct in the DeFi sector. Data indicates that there have been at least 30 instances of price oracle manipulation. Sandwich attacks have led to an average decline in liquidity buyers' execution prices by 5.93%, while just-in-time liquidity attacks have resulted in an 85% decrease in liquidity providers' shares in pools, significantly impacting participants' financial interests. For more details, see: Xiong, X. et al. (2023). "Market Misconduct in Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Analysis, Regulatory Challenges and Policy Implications".

Oraichain opens OCH airdrop applications, INJ and other token holders can apply

AI public chain Oraichain, which provides data economy and oracle services, has opened the OCH official token airdrop. Holders of INJ, KAVA, ATOM, ORAI, and OSMO tokens will be eligible to apply.

Venus Protocol: The oracle issue has been fixed, and other markets except snBNB, agEUR and stkBNB are operating normally

Venus Protocol officially announced on social media that the Binance oracle team has discovered and fixed the issue. However, due to caution, the snBNB market and two other markets with similar Binance oracle configurations (agEUR, stkBNB) will remain suspended. Other markets are still fully functional and unaffected. The suspension is just a precautionary temporary measure.

Venus Protocol: The snBNB market is currently suspended, other markets are still operating normally and funds are safe

Venus Protocol posted on social media that due to a Binance Oracle price feedback issue in the isolated LST BNB pool today, the snBNB market is currently suspended. Out of caution, two other isolated markets (agEUR, stkBNB) are also suspended.