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Arkon Energy Expands Bitcoin Mining Presence With Fundraise and Hydrokraft Acquisition

Arkon Energy, a leader in renewable data center infrastructure, has raised $28m in funding and acquired Hydrokraft AS. Both developments will aid the company in expanding its footprint in the Bitcoin mining industry. 

Amendments to Russia’s Digital Asset Law Aim To Allow Mining, Ban Crypto Exchange and Ads

Russian lawmakers have proposed changes to the current law “On Digital Financial Assets” in order to regulate crypto mining while banning the circulation of cryptocurrencies in the country. The legislation also prohibits the non-targeted advertising of crypto-related products and services.

PEGA Pool to Launch in 2023 to Help You Offset Your Carbon Footprint While Crypto Mining

PEGA Pool is an eco-friendly crypto mining pool currently in private beta testing and is expected to be open to the public in the first quarter of 2023. Regarding bitcoin mining, there have always been concerns about its environmental impact; however, now is the ideal time to make a difference and contribute to a greener future by helping create a more sustainable industry. As a means to offset CO2 emissions, a portion of the fees from the PEGA pool will be used to plant trees to offset the emissions. Those who sign up for the waiting list will receive a permanent 50% discount after launch.