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The distributed economy in the AI era will impact the traditional platform economy

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This article introduces the concept, characteristics, advantages and challenges of intelligent decentralized business models in the AI era, as well as some representative cases. The intelligent decentralized business model refers to the use of AI technology and blockchain technology to realize the automation, transparency, security and efficiency of business activities, meet the individual and diverse needs of users, and build community trust and consensus , reduce the cost and intervention of the platform, and improve the transparency and efficiency of the market. The intelligent decentralized business model has the following characteristics:

- Take users as the main body and provide personalized and customized services

- Community-based, self-governing and collaborative governance

- Use data as assets to realize the circulation and exchange of value

- Driven by algorithms, realize intelligent recommendation and matching

The intelligent decentralized business model has had a huge impact and challenge on the traditional business model, and it has also brought new opportunities and possibilities. This article analyzes the cases of intelligent decentralized business models in the fields of education platform and financial platform, and puts forward some prospects and suggestions.


1. What is an intelligent decentralized business model?

The intelligent decentralized business model refers to the use of AI technology and blockchain technology to realize the automation, transparency, security and efficiency of business activities, meet the individual and diverse needs of users, and build community trust and consensus , reduce the cost and intervention of the platform, and improve the transparency and efficiency of the market.

AI technology refers to artificial intelligence technology, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc. AI technology can enable machines to have intelligent behaviors, such as recognition, understanding, reasoning, creation, etc. AI technology can help business platforms provide more personalized, efficient, and intelligent services, such as intelligent recommendation of learning content, intelligent management of learning progress, and intelligent evaluation of learning effects.

Blockchain technology refers to a distributed ledger technology, which realizes tamper-proof and decentralization of data through cryptography and consensus mechanism. Blockchain technology can enable commercial platforms to realize safe storage and circulation of data, protect users' privacy and rights, and eliminate trust risks and information asymmetry. Blockchain technology can help commercial platforms realize the direct transaction and circulation of assets and services, reduce the cost and intervention of the platform, and improve the transparency and efficiency of the market.

The intelligent decentralized business model refers to the combination of AI technology and blockchain technology to create a new type of business structure. This business structure has the following characteristics:

- Take users as the main body and provide personalized and customized services. The intelligent decentralized business model is not based on courses or products, but on users. Use AI technology to achieve intelligent analysis and satisfaction of user needs, and use blockchain technology to realize security protection and value incentives for user data. Allow users to make independent choices and learn or consume according to their own needs and rhythm, and realize personalized development.

- Community-based governance for autonomy and collaboration. The intelligent decentralized business model is not serviced or supervised by third-party organizations or companies, but managed by the community itself. Use blockchain technology to achieve trust establishment and consensus among community members, and use AI technology to achieve intelligent matching and collaboration among community members. Allow community members to participate in the decision-making, contribution, evaluation and other links of the project or platform, and enjoy the corresponding rights and interests.

- Use data as assets to realize the circulation and exchange of value. The intelligent decentralized business model does not regard data as the private property or competitive advantage of platforms or enterprises, but regards data as the assets or wealth of users or community members. Use blockchain technology to realize data ownership belongs to users or community members, and realize safe, free and fair circulation and exchange of data between projects or platforms inside and outside through encryption, authorization, rewards, etc.

- Driven by algorithms, realize intelligent recommendation and matching. The intelligent decentralized business model does not use manual or fixed rules to recommend or match content or products or services or personnel.

Instead, algorithms are used to make dynamic, flexible, and accurate recommendations or matches. Using AI technology to achieve multi-dimensional, multi-level, multi-scenario, multi-objective analysis, evaluation, sorting, combination and other operations on content or products or services or personnel, and continuously conduct feedback information from users or community members Optimization and update.

2. Why develop an intelligent decentralized business model?

The intelligent decentralized business model has had a huge impact and challenge on the traditional business model. Traditional business models often have the following problems:

- Platform monopoly and exploitation. Traditional business models often rely on third-party platforms to provide services or supervision, and charge high fees or profits from them. This leads to platforms monopolizing market resources and power, and exploiting the relationship between users and service providers.

- User passivity and powerlessness. Traditional business models often regard users as passive recipients or consumers, and cannot fully meet the diverse and individual needs of users. Users also cannot control their own data and privacy, and face being leaked or abused

- Missing and vulnerable communities. The traditional business model often ignores the role of the community in value creation and delivery, and cannot effectively motivate the community to participate and contribute. The community also lacks effective communication and collaboration mechanisms, and faces being split or manipulated

- The algorithm is single and rigid. Traditional business models often use single or fixed rules to recommend or match content or products or services or personnel, and cannot adapt to complex and changing environments and needs. Algorithms also lack transparency and explainability, and intelligent decentralized business models have created new opportunities and possibilities for traditional business models. The intelligent decentralized business model has the following advantages:

- The platform is open and win-win. The intelligent decentralized business model does not depend on the third-party platform, but realizes the openness and sharing of the platform through blockchain technology, and realizes the incentive and win-win situation of the platform through the token economy. This promotes cooperation and competition between the platform, users and service providers, and improves the vitality and efficiency of the market.

- User initiative and autonomy. The intelligent decentralized business model regards users as active participants or creators, and can fully meet the diverse and individual needs of users. Users can also control their own data and privacy, and enjoy the value return of data.

- The community exists and is strong. The intelligent decentralized business model pays attention to the role of the community in value creation and delivery, and can effectively motivate the community to participate and contribute. The community also has an effective communication and collaboration mechanism, and forms the trust and consensus of the community.

- Algorithms are diverse and flexible. Intelligent decentralized business models use multiple or dynamic rules to recommend or match content or products or services or personnel, and can adapt to complex and changing environments and needs. Algorithms also increase transparency and explainability.

3. How to realize an intelligent decentralized business model?

The realization of an intelligent decentralized business model requires the development and innovation of AI technology and blockchain technology, as well as the design and optimization of the corresponding business structure and governance mechanism. This article takes education platforms and financial platforms as examples to introduce some representative cases of intelligent decentralized business models.

1. Educational platform

Education is an indispensable basic service for human society and an important way for human individual development and progress. Traditional education platforms are often based on courses with fixed content, which makes it difficult to adapt to the different levels and interests of learners, and lacks effective evaluation and feedback mechanisms, resulting in poor learning effects, poor learning experience, and high learning costs. The intelligent decentralized business model can bring new changes and improvements to the field of education, as follows:

- Squirrel AI: Squirrel AI is an intelligent education platform based on AI technology, dedicated to providing students with personalized, adaptive and efficient learning solutions. Squirrel AI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze multiple dimensions such as students' knowledge status, learning goals, learning styles, and learning efficiency, and generates personalized learning maps and learning paths, which are dynamically adjusted according to students' real-time feedback. Squirrel AI also uses deep learning algorithms to mine the connection and difficulty between knowledge points, generate high-quality learning content and question banks, and provide intelligent evaluation and feedback based on students' answers. Squirrel AI realizes the intelligentization of educational content and educational process through AI technology, improves the quality and efficiency of education, and reduces the cost and threshold of education.

- OpenAI GPT: OpenAI GPT is a natural language generation model based on a deep neural network, which can generate relevant text output based on a given text input, and has strong language understanding and expression capabilities. OpenAI GPT can provide a variety of innovative application scenarios for the education field, such as generating course outlines, course content, homework, test questions, reference answers, etc.; providing online tutoring, Q&A, and correction services; generating poems, stories, lyrics, etc. Creative works; generating academic works such as papers, abstracts, reviews, etc. OpenAI GPT realizes the diversification of educational content and educational services through AI technology, enriches educational resources and educational experience, and expands educational fields and educational objects.

- BitDegree: BitDegree is an online education platform based on blockchain technology, dedicated to providing learners with a transparent, fair and motivating learning environment. BitDegree uses blockchain technology to realize learners' data ownership and value returns, allowing learners to control their own learning records and certificates, and motivating learners to complete learning goals through a token reward mechanism. BitDegree also uses blockchain technology to realize the decentralization of educational content and educational services, so that providers of educational content and educational services can directly trade and circulate with learners without the intervention and commission of the platform. BitDegree has realized the decentralization of the educational environment and education market through blockchain technology, improved educational equity and efficiency, and reduced educational barriers and waste.

2. Financial platform

Finance is an indispensable basic function of human society, and it is also an important way for individual and collective human beings to realize value exchange and value-added. Traditional financial platforms are often intermediary and supervised by third-party institutions or companies providing financial products and services, charging high fees and interest, and there are also risks and uncertainties of fraud and default, resulting in low financial efficiency and poor financial experience. Poor, expensive finance. The intelligent decentralized business model can bring new changes and improvements to the financial field, as follows:

- MakerDAO: MakerDAO is a decentralized stablecoin system based on blockchain technology, dedicated to providing users with stable, transparent and secure digital currencies. MakerDAO uses blockchain technology to realize the issuance and management of the stable currency DAI. DAI is a cryptocurrency anchored to the US dollar, and its value is not affected by market fluctuations. Users can generate DAI by mortgaging other encrypted assets (such as ETH), and use DAI for various financial activities, such as payment, lending, investment, etc. MakerDAO also uses blockchain technology to realize the decentralized governance of the stablecoin system. All parameters and rules in the system are decided by community members holding MKR tokens through voting. MakerDAO realizes the decentralization of currency issuance and monetary policy through blockchain technology, improves currency stability and flexibility, and reduces currency risks and costs.

- Compound: Compound is a decentralized lending market protocol based on blockchain technology, dedicated to providing users with efficient, open and free asset lending services. Compound uses blockchain technology to realize the smart contract execution of asset lending. Users can deposit their encrypted assets into the Compound protocol and obtain interest income according to market supply and demand dynamics. Users can also lend encrypted assets from the Compound protocol and pay interest fees dynamically according to market supply and demand. Compound also uses blockchain technology to realize the decentralized governance of asset lending. Users can participate in the decision-making, supervision, and upgrading of the agreement by holding COMP tokens, and enjoy the income distribution of the agreement. Compound realizes the decentralized market of asset lending through blockchain technology, improves asset liquidity and transparency, and reduces asset threshold and risk.

- OpenAI GPT: OpenAI GPT is a natural language generation model based on a deep neural network, which can generate relevant text output based on a given text input, and has strong language understanding and expression capabilities. OpenAI GPT can provide a variety of innovative application scenarios for the financial field, such as generating financial reports, financial analysis, financial forecasts, financial advice, etc.; providing online consulting, Q&A, and correction services; generating contracts, agreements, invoices and other legal documents; generating Advertising, marketing, promotion and other commercial copywriting, etc. OpenAI GPT has realized the diversification of financial content and financial services through AI technology, enriched financial resources and financial experience, and expanded the financial field and financial objects.

4. What challenges does the intelligent decentralized business model face?

Although the intelligent decentralized business model has many advantages and potentials, it also faces some challenges and difficulties, as follows:

- Technical difficulty and risk. Intelligent decentralized business models need to rely on the development and innovation of AI technology and blockchain technology. These technologies themselves have high complexity and uncertainty, and there are also some technical difficulties and risks, such as algorithm deviation, data quality, data security, network attack, system failure, etc. These technical difficulties and risks may affect the stability and reliability of the intelligent decentralized business model, and may also lead to some legal and moral disputes and responsibilities.

- Business model and profitability. An intelligent decentralized business model needs to explore a new type of business structure and governance mechanism, which may conflict or be incompatible with traditional business models and profit methods, and may also face some market acceptance and competitiveness issues. An intelligent decentralized business model needs to find a way to balance the interests of users, the community, and the platform. It also needs to find a way of sustainable development and growth, which may require a lot of experiments and verifications.

- Regulatory policy and compliance. Intelligent decentralized business models need to comply with the regulatory policies and legal norms of various countries or regions, which may limit the development space and speed of intelligent decentralized business models, and may also increase the operation of intelligent decentralized business models costs and risks. An intelligent decentralized business model requires effective communication and coordination with regulatory agencies, as well as the establishment of a sound internal management and auditing system to ensure compliance and legality.

5. Conclusion and Outlook

The intelligent decentralized business model is a new type of business model, which uses the combination of AI technology and blockchain technology to realize the automation, transparency, security and efficiency of business activities, and to meet the individuality and diversification of users demand, build community trust and consensus, reduce platform costs and intervention, and improve market transparency and efficiency. The intelligent decentralized business model has had a huge impact and challenge on the traditional business model, and it has also brought new opportunities and possibilities. This article takes education platforms and financial platforms as examples, introduces some representative cases of intelligent decentralized business models, and analyzes their characteristics, advantages and challenges.

The intelligent decentralized business model is a forward-looking and innovative business model with broad development space and potential. With the continuous progress and innovation of AI technology and blockchain technology, as well as the continuous design and optimization of the corresponding business structure and governance mechanism, the intelligent decentralized business model will be applied and promoted in more fields, and provide users with , communities, and platforms bring more value and well-being.


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